Art, Photography, Sketches, Watercolor

Art, Photography, Sketches, Watercolor

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sketches July 11, 2014


Two random sketches. I started with the eyes and built off of that; with no idea what they would look like.  After the face was finished I decided how the hairstyle would be. And an Angel sketch inspired by a cloud formation. 

Thank You for visiting. 

Sketch from tonight

Sketch from yesterday morning while having Coffee.
Inspired by a cloud formation. I used my wooden
artist mannequin for a similar pose and added wings.


  1. Love the eyes and the angel ~ lovely sketches and great montage of your creative work ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  2. I love the hair of the first one, just beautiful and your angel is very moving!

  3. These are lovely. I'm especially drawn to the angel. Happy SS!

  4. Thank You very much for the nice comments and visiting. I enjoy pencil sketching I find it relaxing. I keep a sketchbook just for pencil sketches.
